Corporates in June

Corporate Support Days with RSPCA NSW are a unique experience, perfect for growing, learning and helping those who need it most. Teams help with the maintenance of the shelter and socialise with the animals. In June, staff from Charter Hall, Groupon, Robert Half and KPMG lent a helping hand for all creatures great and small.

Charter Hall | 02.06.2017

On a crisp Friday morning, Charter Hall kindly returned to the RSPCA Sydney Shelter to lend their hands and time. To start, the team took part in an education session to learn more about our community programs, such as Living Ruff and Safe Beds for Pets. After helping wash and fold animal blankets, they thoroughly cleaned out the duck and bunny enclosures. Trees were pruned, and the dogs were walked and played with. Don’t worry, the cats weren’t neglected and received plenty of cuddles before the day was done!

Thank you so much for your kind support, Charter Hall. We look forward to having you back next time!

View their photos here.

Groupon | 07.06.2017

The team from Groupon returned to the RSPCA Sydney Shelter to brave the crazy, wet weather. It didn’t stop raining all day, but they didn’t complain once and got stuck right into the activities! After an education session about our community work, they got their arts and crafts on by making enrichment toys for our dogs and dog bandanas for an upcoming community day. Afterwards, they armed themselves with cleaning equipment and transformed the duck aviary, bunny hutches and chicken enclosures!

When the team began walking the dogs, the rain decided to pelt down without mercy! So, they moved to the kennels and spent special one-on-one time in there. The day was finished off with the cuddling of cats and a tour of the RSPCA Sydney Veterinary Hospital (they witnessed a dental surgery and desexing, too).

Thank you so much for braving the weather, Groupon! We can’t wait for you to volunteer again!

View their photos here.

Robert Half | 17.06.2017

The Robert Half team visited our RSPCA Central Coast Shelter and started off with a quick education session, learning all about the work we’re doing in the community. Afterwards, they helped clean out the bunny hutches, duck enclosures and cat and dog bowls. They even changed out the kitty litter trays, too!

The Robert Half team then prepared food for our resident bunnies, chopping up plenty of vegetables! With all the rain, there was a huge backlog of washing to be done. So, the team kindly washed, dried and folded all of the blankets and towels for our animals. They also prepped all of the Kongs and filled them for the dogs. The team then moved onto grooming the senior cats, playing with the kittens and walking all of the dogs.

Thank you so much, Robert Half! See you next time!

View their photos here.

KPMG | 23.06.2017

Our friends from KPMG come back to the shelter! They have volunteered several times and we are so grateful for their support. The KMPG team kindly brought donations of toys, treats and fresh vegetables for our animals, too!

After a session of learning all about our Inspectorate, they helped pack Cupcake Day fundraising kits and made doggy bandanas for an upcoming community day. The team also cleaned out the chicken, duck and rabbit enclosures! They then walked the dogs, and cuddled the cats and kittens.

The day was finished off with a tour of the hospital, where they witnessed a mother dog and her tiny newborn puppies being cared for!

Your compassion and hard work are inspiring. Thank you, KPMG!

View their photos here.

Camilla | 28.06.2017

The Camilla team arrived in the morning and kindly donated dog food, treats and veggies for our animals. The team planted the veggies they brought, helping us grow as food for our bunnies instead of buying them each week!

The team helped clean out the animal enclosures in the stables, making sure the bunnies, guinea pigs and chicken homes were spick and span. After feeding our resident pig, the team walked the dogs and played with them in their kennels. In the afternoon, they cuddled the cats and kittens, toured the RSPCA Sydney Veterinary and witnessed a Rottweiler getting desexed!

Thank you, Camilla! We’ll see you again next time!

View their photos here.

Want to get involved?

Volunteers at RSPCA Corporate Support Days learn about the work RSPCA NSW does and get a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter. And as well as bonding with your team, you get the chance to see firsthand the impact you are having on the lives of the animals at the RSPCA. And of course, you’ll be rewarded with some much-deserved one-on-one time with our animal residents. If this sounds like something that would get your team’s tails wagging, then contact us today to make a booking.

Corporate Support Days are now available at the Central Coast, Hunter and Sydney Shelters. To book one for your workplace, please contact:

Anne Keyvar
Corporate Relations
Phone (02) 9782 4491

Don’t forget to follow RSPCA NSW on LinkedIn!