Sponsor a dryer cycle
Will you help keep vulnerable animals safe and warm this winter?
During the wintertime, our dryers in shelters across the state are kept spinning for countless hours of the day.
They need to, in order to provide the thousands of homeless animals in our shelter with warm, clean, dry blankets and towels to keep them warm and protect them from the brutal cold.
Last winter it cost us $44,812 just to keep our dryers spinning for 3 months. This year our electricity costs have increased, so it will be more.

At this very moment, there are neglected, abandoned and abused animals in our shelters, who have no one to care for them but us. That means hundreds of dollars a day just to give our animals warm, dry and snuggly blankets.
Your generous gift can help cover the cost of a dryer cycle, and bring vulnerable animals the crucial warmth they need.

As you can imagine, there are also many other costs required to heat our kennels – including providing enough bedding, and ensuring that we have the medications needed for the illnesses that are more prevalent during the colder months.