Put your paws up for RSPCA NSW’s 146th birthday

Today commemorates 146 years of RSPCA NSW’s mission to protect and serve all creatures great and small, and to celebrate we have released a small snapshot of a year at RSPCA NSW.

Over the past year:

  • 30,000 animals with nowhere else to turn came through our doors for vital veterinary care, food and a warm bed, and the chance for a new life.
  • RSPCA NSW inspectors investigated over 15,000 cruelty complaints.
  • Supporters and donors raised a whopping $485,000 across the state for RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2019.

Our job does not stop at animals; we believe behind every animal is a human being who needs guidance, encouragement and help. We have provided education programs to schools and veterinary services to disadvantaged communities across the state.

We receive less than two per cent of our funding from the government and rely almost entirely on the goodwill of our loyal supporters and like-minded members of the community.

It’s pawty time for our 146th birthday!

Your passion for helping animals in need has kept us going for 146 years. We could not do what we do without the hard work, dedication and collaborative efforts of our supporters, staff and volunteers.

Did you know you can pledge your birthday to RSPCA NSW? Your generous support will ensure your birthday is memorable by making a lifesaving difference to animals in need.

By asking for donations in lieu of gifts for your next birthday, you will allow RSPCA NSW to continue vital work helping neglected, abandoned and surrendered animals for the years ahead.

To find out more about how register your next birthday click here

For more information or an interview with an RSPCA NSW spokesperson, please contact RSPCA NSW Media on Mobile: 0488 905 353 or Email: media@rspcansw.org.au