Non-compliant puppy factories targeted through new RSPCA NSW taskforce

New South Wales is one step closer to winning the fight against non-compliant puppy factories, with RSPCA NSW today welcoming additional funding from the NSW state government to address animal welfare concerns in the industry.

The funds will go to RSPCA NSW’s Intensive Breeding Taskforce, a specialised arm of the organisation’s Inspectorate dedicated to investigating inadequate conditions and standards at intensive dog breeding facilities.

“This is a huge win for animal welfare, as well as for breeders across the state who love and look after their animals,” said RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.

“Every day we face the dark side of the animal breeding industry, where profits are put above an animal’s welfare. Countless animals come through our doors in appalling condition and suffering from health and behavioural problems.”

“This funding will help us double down on cruelty of this nature. The message is loud and clear; it will not be tolerated.”

Four dedicated inspectors in the taskforce will be resourced to identify and tackle breeders who fail to comply with animal welfare legislation and Codes of Practice.

The funding will see more frequent and rapid inspections at facilities found to violate animal welfare laws. It will help to give animals rescued from intensive breeding facilities the veterinary care, rehabilitation and love they need, and a chance at a new life.

Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall said that it is critical the Government throws additional resources at this growing and deeply concerning problem.

“Breeders doing the wrong thing, who are clearly breaching the State’s animal protection laws, will have to answer for their abhorrent actions,” he said.

“Most pet owners would be horrified to find out their beloved pets came from a puppy factory, so these new measures will help to provide added comfort to those thinking of bringing a furry friend into their family.”

RSPCA NSW is committed to our mission to help end the suffering of animals at non-compliant puppy factories across the state. With the support of the NSW Government and the community, we hope to make this a reality.

This is the beginning of a huge initiative for RSPCA NSW, and your support would be greatly appreciated. Donate today.