Moving into a new house with your dog? Here are our top tips!

As the Biden family plans their move to the White House with their precious pooches Champ and Major (a rescue!), we decided to put together our top tips to help make a transition to a new home just that little bit easier. 

1. Ask the right questions
Before you get to the part where you’re labelling stacks of boxes with vague words that make sense at the time but will be useless in a few days’ time, it’s important that you are asking the right questions before signing on the dotted line. Does your new home allow dogs? Have you made sure the property is secure and your dogs won’t be able to escape? Are there safe areas around to exercise your dog? Luckily for Major, the White House ticks all three boxes.

2. Google is going to be your best friend
Being a White House regular in Obama’s administration, we’re sure Joe Biden is probably familiar with where to get the best coffee, but what about best dog-walking parks?! Before you move, why not Google dog-friendly areas and parks around your new suburb? If you’re looking for local recommendations, check out specific dog owner Facebook groups in your area for some insider recommendations. 

It’s also a good idea to find a local veterinarian and research any local pet rules that are in place. Or ask your Assistant to.

3. Pack. Seal. Label. Repeat.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sea of bubble wrap and carboard boxes, then chances are, so is your dog. Our pets are very good at picking up on changes in their environment.

To help them feel at ease, try and keep things as normal as possible. Feed them at the same time, take them out for their regular walks and if you can, try and leave packing their stuff until moving day. When moving, it’s so tempting to start afresh and Marie Kondo all your ratty old items that don’t bring you joy but trust us… your dog will appreciate you keeping their scrappy old toys. Things that they know and smell like them will also help them settle into the new home.

4. On the day
We could tell you that your moving day won’t be that bad, but we’d be lying. No doubt the Bidens will be pretty busy in those early weeks and months, and they may consider boarding Major and Champ during the move – but this is not the best move. Keeping your dogs with you during a move can actually help them adjust because they have you by their side.

If removalists will be coming and going through the house, keep your dogs in a quiet room or a crate (if they’re crate trained) to help them feel more secure and ensure they don’t slip out any open doors!

5. Settling in
Before you start unpacking, it’s worth taking the time to help your pets get used to their new environment. Take them around room by room and let them have a good old sniff. This may take a few hours depending on the size of your new home – in the case of the Bidens and Major, perhaps days. 

You can even give them some yummy treats to help them associate the new pad with delicious goodies. If it’s not too far, consider taking your dog to some of their favourite places after the move so they don’t feel like everything is different. It’s important to continue keeping your dog’s routine as much as possible and establish the rules early so your dog knows where you want them to sleep, toilet and eat (like a new puppy!).

6. Update your pet’s details
Last but certainly not least, PLEASE make sure that you update your new address and contact information with your new council and Pet Registry NSW. If your dog goes missing, this will help you be quickly reunited with your furry pal!

Source: @bidensdogs