Important information about COVID-19 and your pets

In this uncertain time, as the health and safety of our community is at risk, we want to clear up any confusion about the possible transmission of COVID-19 (caused by a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2) between animals and humans.

The below information has been taken from the RSPCA Knowledgebase. To read the full article ‘Can I contract COVID-19 from domestic animals?’, please head here.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted between pets and humans?

There is currently no evidence that domestic animals play a role in the spread of the human novel coronavirus disease COVID-19.

It appears that it is very rare for domestic animals to become naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2; they are not naturally infected easily with the virus; there is little to no evidence that they become sick from the virus if they are infected; and, crucially, there is still no evidence that domestic animals can transmit SARS-CoV-2 to people.

The human-animal bond people share with their companion animals is very important and can provide much needed support, comfort and companionship to people in these difficult times, so if possible people and their companion animals should stay together for the benefit of both.

The RSPCA acknowledges that information on this disease is still evolving.

If you do happen to test positive with COVID-19, the RSPCA recommends minimising close contact with pets (such as avoiding hugging, face-to-face contact or sleeping on your bed) and using good hand hygiene practices around your animals, including washing your hands before and after handling your pets.

At no stage should pet owners be taking measures that may compromise the welfare of their pets.

In addition to this, we want to remind you to consider the mental health of your pets during this time. Where possible (and responsible to do so), please continue walking your dogs and generally providing all your pets with the necessary enrichment they need to continue thriving.

For more detailed information about COVID-19 and animals, please refer to the RSPCA Knowledgebase here.

We’ll continue to keep this page updated as any more information arises.